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Technology Careers

Technology plays an integral role in the federal Judiciary. Needs range from IT support, software development, web design and development, system administration, telephony, and more.

Information Technology

The U.S. Courts’ Information Technology (IT) professionals support the courts’ extensive technology programs. They make it possible for the judiciary to deliver justice in a technology-driven environment. The federal Judiciary seeks IT professionals who are in touch with the latest technology and software programs.

Judiciary IT positions vary considerably depending on the position level and an individual court’s needs. These professionals:

  • design, manage, and support computer-based information systems;
  • design, modify, and adapt software;
  • write code;
  • perform hardware maintenance and troubleshooting;
  • test and validate hardware;
  • train users in the judiciary’s various technology solutions;
  • demonstrate and apply their knowledge of computer processes and capabilities;
  • meet with customers to help them assess their needs and identify software solutions;
  • explain technical information in an understandable way to the user;
  • know the capabilities, limitations, and functional applications of information technology;
  • know theories, principles, practices, and usage of computer hardware and software, office database design, and data communications;
  • have knowledge of Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs), including systems security standards;
  • are familiar with operating systems, servers, and workstation products; and
  • can work with flowcharting, form design, and control procedures.

High-level IT Managers may be responsible for entire systems and networks. In total, IT positions represent a broad range of technology duties and responsibilities. The many specialized IT positions in the courts include programmer analyst, programmer, application administrator, and network administrator.

Internships Support Diversity in Courts

A pilot internship program is opening doors to federal court careers for young adults of varied backgrounds. Launched in 2018, the program has provided opportunities to work with judges, court administrators, and probation and pretrial services officers in participating courts. Interns experience all facets of court operations during the year-long paid program.