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Probation Data Release Regulations

People and organizations outside of the courts can make a data request for federal probation system data. 

The Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) oversees the release of federal probation system data to entities outside the courts. Requests must meet certain criteria established by the AO in accordance with Judicial Conference policy. The criteria are as follows: 

  • Requests must be in writing and clearly identify the authority or reason for requesting the data. A request should address how the data will be used, secured, maintained, and how disclosure will "promote the efficient administration of the [federal] probation system and the enforcement of the probation laws in all United States courts." 18 U.S.C. 3672

  • Requests should indicate whether the data will be used in connection with a federally funded research grant and whether the research proposal has been approved by an independent institutional review board.

  • Requests should identify the names, titles, and contact information of the principal investigator and any assistants or contractors who may have access to the data being requested.

  • The chief of the Probation and Pretrial Services Office has the authority to waive the requirements in unusual situations which the requester could not reasonably have anticipated and that demonstrate a good faith attempt to comply with the requirements of this section.

Researchers and agencies may direct requests for data to:
By mail to:
Probation Data Request
Office of Probation and Pretrial Services
One Columbus Circle N.E.
Washington, DC 20544
(202) 502-1600

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