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Management Analysis and Program Support Careers

Contribute to national initiatives that help the federal Judiciary run more efficiently.

We need talented people with expertise in areas like:

  • policy development
  • statistical analysis
  • human resources

Human Resources

The U.S. Courts’ Human Resources (HR) professionals provide frontline services to the federal court workforce. HR professionals may:

  • manage compensation, benefits, and recruitment efforts;
  • administer human resources policies, procedures, and standards;
  • provide advice and guidance to judges, executives, senior management, and court staff on HR related matters;
  • coordinate personnel and benefits programs for a court or public defender’s office;
  • process appointments, promotions, and payroll actions;
  • plan and coordinate HR related training;
  • maintain personnel records; and
  • ensure the court unit’s adherence to policies and guidelines.

Internships Support Diversity in Courts

A pilot internship program is opening doors to federal court careers for young adults of varied backgrounds. Launched in 2018, the program has provided opportunities to work with judges, court administrators, and probation and pretrial services officers in participating courts. Interns experience all facets of court operations during the year-long paid program.