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Supreme Court Quiz - Supreme Court Activity

A quiz adapted from the Washington Post's Kids Post October 3, 2005.

  1. The Supreme Court opens with the announcement "Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!"
    What does it mean?

    A. Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye!
    B. Come to order. The Court is in session.
    C. Both A and B.
    D. The court does not open with this outdated announcement. A chime rings.
  2. What job qualifications does the Constitution require of Supreme Court nominees?
    A. They must be a U.S. citizen.
    B. They must be a lawyer.
    C. None.
    D. They must already be a judge.
  3. The Constitution says that justices may serve:
    A. For life.
    B. As long as they maintain good behavior.
    C. Until they are voted out of office.
    D. Until the President asks them to resign.
  4. Before walking into the courtroom to hear a case, what do the justices do as a group?
    A. Shake hands.
    B. Pray.
    C. Wish each other well.
    D. Touch the frame of a portrait of the first chief justice John Jay.
  5. Out of the more than 7,000 cases the Court is asked to hear each term, how many is it able to hear?
    A. About 1,000.
    B. About 700.
    C. About 100.
    D. About one a week.
  6. What do the justices, primarily, do with their time when they are not on the bench?
    A. Write opinions.
    B. Write laws.
    C. Appoint other judges.
    D. Find out how the President wants them to rule on cases.
  7. An independent judiciary means that:
    A. Judges are not influenced by opinion polls or protest marches.
    B. Judges are not influenced by media reports.
    C. Judges do not ask the President or members of Congress how the Court should decide cases.
    D. All of the above.




1-C, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A, 5-C, 6-A, 7-D

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