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Overview of Probation and Supervised Release Conditions

This overview of probation and supervised release conditions is designed as a resource for defendants and their families, judges, probation officers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and other criminal justice practitioners.

The Overview of Probation and Supervised Release Conditions is intended to be a resource for defendants, judges, probation officers, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and other criminal justice practitioners.

The Overview of Probation and Supervised Release Conditions may:

  • help provide notice to defendants of the conditions of supervision that may be imposed;
  • help ensure that condition language is clear and legally sound; and
  • assist the courts and parties in recommending or imposing conditions that are narrowly and individually tailored to address the relevant statutory factors.

Download the full document or explore different chapters and sections below.

Chapter 1: Overview

  1. Purpose
  2. Authority
    1. Statutory Authority
    2. Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
    3. Principles of Supervision
  3. Social Science Research
  4. Adoption of Standard Conditions by District Courts
  5. Scope

Chapter 2: Standard Conditions of Supervision

  1. Initial Reporting to Probation Office
  2. Reporting to Probation Officer
  3. Leaving the Judicial District
  4. Answering Truthfully Probation Officer’s Questions
  5. Notification of Change in Residence
  6. Visits by Probation Officer
  7. Lawful Employment and Notification of Change in Employment
  8. Communicating/Interacting with Persons Engaged in Criminal Activity and Felons
  9. Notification of Arrest or Questioning by Law Enforcement Officer
  10. Possession of Firearm, Ammunition, Destructive Device, or Dangerous Weapon
  11. Acting as Confidential Human Source Informant
  12. Notification of Risk Posed by Defendant
  13. Following Instructions Related to Conditions of Supervision

Chapter 3: Special Conditions of Supervision

  1. Substance Abuse Treatment, Testing, and Abstinence
  2. Mental Health Treatment
  3. Financial Requirements and Restrictions
  4. Employment Restrictions
  5. Association and Contact Restrictions
  6. Place Restrictions
  7. Supporting Dependents
  8. Gambling-Related Conditions
  9. Community Service
  10. Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
  11. Educational or Vocational Services
  12. Location Monitoring
  13. Residential Reentry Center
  14. Intermittent Confinement
  15. Search and Seizure
  16. Immigration-Related Requirements
  17. Restrictions on Viewing Sexually Explicit Materials
  18. Sex Offense-Specific Assessment, Treatment, and Physiological Testing
  19. Polygraph for Sex Offender Management
  20. Cybercrime-Related Conditions

Appendix: Condition Language

Standard Condition Language
Sample Special Condition Language