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Judiciary’s FY 2015 Funding Meets Needs

Published on December 15, 2014

The federal Judiciary’s most pressing resource needs are funded in the Fiscal Year 2015 omnibus spending measure that has passed both houses of Congress and is expected to be signed by the President.

Overall, the Judiciary will receive $6.7 billion in discretionary appropriations, a 2.8 percent, or $182 million, increase above FY 2014 discretionary funding. The FY 2015 level is essentially equal to the Judiciary’s re-estimated FY 2015 funding request.

"We are very pleased with the fiscal year 2015 appropriation for the Judiciary,” said Judge John Bates, Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. “The funding levels are sufficient to enable the courts to operate effectively and we appreciate that Congress has again made the Judiciary a funding priority. Although the federal judiciary's budget is only two-tenths of one percent of the federal budget, adequate resources are essential for the courts to dispense justice in a timely fashion.”

The Salaries and Expenses Account, the Judiciary’s largest account, which funds court operations, and the accounts for Court Security, Defender Services, and Fees of Jurors all received funding at the re-estimated level.

The Judiciary’s FY 2015 funding level will allow the federal courts to continue to recover from the harmful effects of the 2013 sequestration cuts, a recovery assisted by the Judiciary’s own long-standing efforts to contain costs.

“The Judiciary remains committed to our cost containment program and to being a responsible steward of the funds we are provided,” said Judge Bates.

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