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Chapter 4, § 430: Transcripts, Investigative, Expert and Other Services

Guide to Judiciary Policy, Vol 7 Defender Services, Part A Guidelines for Administering the CJA and Related Statutes, Chapter 4: Defender Organizations

§ 430.10 Payment of Transcripts
§ 430.20 Payment of Investigative, Expert, and Other Services

§ 430 Transcripts, Investigative, Expert, and Other Services

§ 430.10 Payment of Transcripts

(a) All defender organizations have general authorization to procure transcripts, provided that total expenditures for transcripts do not exceed the funding available in the budget object code (BOC) for transcripts.

(b) The limitations in Guide, Vol 7A, § 310.20 are inapplicable to the cost of transcripts and do not apply to federal public or community defender organizations.

(c) The general authorization provided above includes supplemental funds provided for the transcripts or funds transferred to the transcripts BOC from other BOCs.

(d) Once the federal public or community defender has obligated all funds in the transcripts BOC, it will be necessary to transfer funds from other BOCs, or to seek supplemental funds to cover additional expenditures.

§  430.20 Payment of Investigative, Expert, and Other Services

(a) All defender organizations have general authorization to procure investigative, expert and other services as contemplated under 18 U.S.C. § 3006A(e), as amended, provided that total expenditures for the BOCs that comprise investigative, expert and other services do not exceed the funding available in those BOCs.

(b) The limitations in Guide, Vol 7A, § 310.20 do not apply to federal public or community defender organizations.

(c) The general authorization provided above includes supplemental funds provided in the investigative, expert and other services BOCs, or funds transferred to those BOCs.

(d) Once the federal public or community defender has obligated all funds in any of the investigative, expert and other services BOCs, it will be necessary to transfer funds from other BOCs or to seek supplemental funds to cover additional expenditures. 

Chapter Appendices

Appendix 4A: Community Defender Organization: Grant and Conditions (PDF)(word)
Appendix 4B: Model Code of Conduct for Federal Community Defender Employees (PDF)(word)

Last substantive revision (Transmittal 07-012) May 21, 2019

Last revised (minor technical changes) November 9, 2021