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Christopher T. Lowenkamp

Title File Topic Issue
Imagining Sentinel Event Reviews in the U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System
pdf, 111.65 KB
Supervision, Probation September 2016
The Real-World Application of the Risk Principle: Is It Possible in the Field of Probation?
pdf, 127.53 KB
Evidence-based Practices, PCRA September 2016
Examining Changes in Offender Risk Characteristics and Recidivism Outcomes: A Research Summary
pdf, 208.86 KB
Risk Assessment, Supervision September 2016
False Positives, False Negatives, and False Analyses: A Rejoinder to "Machine Bias: There's Software Used Across the Country to Predict Future Criminals. And It's Biased Against Blacks."
pdf, 169.44 KB
Risk Assessment September 2016
Using a Multi-level Risk Assessment to Inform Case Planning and Risk Management: Implications for Officers
pdf, 112.39 KB
Evidence-based Practices, PCRA, Risk Assessment September 2016
The Supervision of Low-risk Offenders: How the Low-risk Policy Has Changed Federal Supervision Practices without Compromising Community Safety
pdf, 211.90 KB
Risk Assessment, Supervision, Evidence-based Practices June 2016
Trademarks, Press Releases, and Policy: Will Rigorous Research Get in the Way?
pdf, 137.63 KB
Evidence-based Practices June 2016
Towards an Empirical and Theoretical Understanding of Offender Reinforcement and Punishment
pdf, 151.05 KB
Supervision, Evidence-based Practices June 2015
Pretrial Detention Choices and Federal Sentencing
pdf, 125.25 KB
Federal Courts, Pretrial, Sentencing June 2014
The Re-validation of the Federal Pretrial Services Risk Assessment (PTRA)
pdf, 125.86 KB
Pretrial, Risk Assessment September 2012
The Importance of Coaching: A Brief Survey of Probation Officers
pdf, 71.63 KB
Evidence-based Practices, Training September 2012
Who Cares What Offenders Think? New Insight from Offender Surveys
pdf, 248.74 KB
Supervision, Probation September 2011
The Construction and Validation of the Federal Post Conviction Risk Assessment (PCRA)
pdf, 2.06 MB
PCRA, Risk Assessment September 2011
Implementing Risk Assessment in the Federal Pretrial Services System
pdf, 66.31 KB
Pretrial, Risk Assessment September 2011
Training to see Risk: Measuring the Accuracy of Clinical and Actuarial Risk Assessments among Federal Probation Officers
pdf, 127.59 KB
Risk Assessment, Training September 2011
A Random (Almost) Study of Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Re-arrest (STARR): Reducing Recidivism through Intentional Design
pdf, 722.42 KB
Evidence-based Practices, Supervision, Training September 2011
Preentry: The Key to Success
pdf, 139.58 KB
Evidence-based Practices, Pretrial September 2011
Identifying the Predictors of Pretrial Failure: A Meta-Analysis
pdf, 617.27 KB
Pretrial September 2011
The Creation and Validation of the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS)
pdf, 118.28 KB
Risk Assessment June 2010
Validating the Level of Services Inventory--Revised on a Sample of Federal Probationers
pdf, 89.97 KB
Risk Assessment September 2006
Environmental Corrections: A New Paradigm for Effective Probation and Parole Supervision
pdf, 105.87 KB
Evidence-based Practices, Supervision September 2002